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                    As midwives, we absolutely believe in the apprenticeship model as the oldest, most viable form of midwifery education and as the necessary component to set the skills of the aspiring midwife.  Our apprenticeship pathway is unique in that it specifically caters to the individual needs of students pursuing various routes of education, weather you are enrolled in a MEAC accredited program or direct entry.  Part of our mission is to increase access to midwifery education so we tailor our lessons specifically to our students’ unique educational needs.  Academic classes are offered weekly and offer opportunity for us to support students’ independent pursuit of their chosen program of study.  Clinical work consists of three days a week of scheduled prenatal, postpartum and well woman visits plus on call responsibilities of attending births, postpartum home visits and problem visits. We work all hours of the night and day when needed and expect our apprentices to be present for all learning opportunities.

How to apply

We are currently accepting apprentices on an as needed basis. If you have an interest in our apprenticeship program please contact Nicole Maillis directly at (575)-770-3104 or email

Call us:

(575) 770-3104

PO BOX 2432 



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